How to Calm Down a Hyper Maltipoo

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Maltipoos, with their endearing personalities and perpetually wagging tails, are a delight to have as companions.

But what happens when that joyous energy veers into hyperactivity that leaves both you and your Maltipoo feeling frazzled?

As a devoted dog owner, you’re probably no stranger to the term “zoomies” and understand that hyperactivity in pets is as varied as it is a common occurrence.

But fret not, for there are proven strategies that can transform your overly active Maltipoo into a calmer, more collected canine.

In this exhaustive guide, I’ll walk you through the multitude of factors that could be spurring your Maltipoo’s frenetic behavior, discuss the root causes of hyperactivity, and detail practical techniques to bring tranquility to your home and hound. Let’s dive in.

Hyper Maltipoo

What makes a Maltipoo hyper?

Maltipoos are a mix of the playful Maltese and the energetic Poodle breeds, which means high spirits and bustling activity are often hardwired into their fuzzy little frames. However, several common triggers can exacerbate a Maltipoo’s natural tendency towards hyperactivity. These may include:

  • Insufficient Exercise: A burgeoning ball of energy needs an outlet, and for Maltipoos, that means physical exertion. Without regular exercise, pent-up energy can easily escalate into hyperactive bursts.
  • Boredom: A bored Maltipoo is a Maltipoo looking for trouble. Without mental stimulation, they can resort to hyperactive behaviors to alleviate their monotony.
  • Lack of Structure: Dogs thrive on predictability and routine. A chaotic environment can contribute to anxious and hyperactive behavior.
  • Anxiety: Whether it’s separation anxiety or a specific noise phobia, canine anxiety can manifest as hyperactivity in Maltipoos.

Understanding these triggers is the first step towards a calmer coexistence. Let’s now explore practical steps to address each of these potential catalysts for your Maltipoo’s overactive antics.

Structuring a calm canine lifestyle

Creating a structured routine is foundational to managing your Maltipoo’s hyperactivity. Dogs feel secure and confident when their day has a predictable pattern. Ensure that your dog’s day includes:

  • Regular Exercise: Maltipoos, like their Poodle ancestors, are quite energetic and require ample daily exercise. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity, whether it’s brisk walks, jogging, or engaging playtime.
  • Mental Stimulation: Incorporate activities that challenge your Maltipoo’s mind into their routine. Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive games can keep them occupied and stimulated.
  • Consistent Meal Times: Establish set meal times for your dog, as this helps create a sense of structure and discipline.Scheduled
  • Quiet Time: Make sure to set aside regular intervals of quiet time where your Maltipoo can relax and recharge. A designated cozy spot with a comfortable bed or crate can be helpful.

The role of obedience training

Training sessions aren’t just about teaching your Maltipoo basic commands; they also provide mental stimulation, reinforce positive behaviors, and help establish dominance.

Consistent obedience training is crucial to calming an overactive Maltipoo. Here are a few tips to make training sessions more effective:

Keep them short and sweet, with plenty of breaks in between.Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats, praise, and playtime as rewards.Be consistent with commands and expectations.Focus on one command at a time rather than overwhelming your Maltipoo with multiple instructions.

Hyper Maltipoo

Creating a Calming Environment

The physical space around your Maltipoo can significantly impact their behavior. By creating a calm and peaceful environment, you can help ease their anxiety and promote relaxation. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • A Quiet Corner: Designate a corner of your home as a quiet zone for your dog to retreat to when they need some downtime.
  • Soothing Sounds: Music or white noise can be calming for dogs, especially during thunderstorms or fireworks.
  • Safe Space: Ensure that your Maltipoo has a safe and secure place to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed. A crate or enclosed bed with their favorite toys and blankets could serve this purpose.

Establishing Routine

A structured daily routine can greatly benefit a hyper Maltipoo. Dogs, like children, crave stability and predictability.

  • Feeding Schedule: Feed your Maltipoo at the same times each day. This not only aids in digestion but also creates predictability and comfort.
  • Exercise Times: Schedule play and exercise sessions at consistent times. Your Maltipoo will come to expect and look forward to these activities.
  • Bedtime Routine: Establishing a pre-sleep routine, such as a short walk followed by some quiet play, then relaxation, signals to your dog that it’s time to wind down.

Seeking Professional Help

If your Maltipoo’s hyperactivity is causing significant distress or is challenging to manage, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of a professional.

A veterinarian can rule out any health issues that may be contributing to the behavior, while a certified dog trainer can provide you with the tools to work with your dog on a one-on-one basis.


In conclusion, managing a hyper Maltipoo takes patience and consistency.

By understanding what triggers your pet’s excitement and employing a blend of physical exercise, mental stimulation, and relaxation techniques, you can provide a fulfilling life for your furry friend while maintaining peace in your home.

Remember, every Maltipoo is unique, so tailor these strategies to best fit your dog’s individual needs. With time and dedication, a harmonious life with your beloved Maltipoo is entirely attainable.

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