How to Train a Maltipoo?

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How to Train a Maltipoo: Maltipoos, the adorable mix of Maltese and Poodle breeds, are known for their gentle nature and intelligence.

As a Maltipoo parent, you understand that beyond the endearing fluff and loving eyes, training is essential for a happy relationship with your furry companion.

This guide is your go-to resource for transforming your Maltipoo puppies into a well-mannered and sociable family member.

Train a Maltipoo
How to Train a Maltipoo?

1. Introduction to Maltipoos and Training

Maltipoos, often referred to as “designer dogs,” have rapidly gained popularity due to their low-shedding coat and affectionate demeanor.

Their intelligence and eagerness to please make them highly trainable, but it’s crucial to start early.

Training your Maltipoo puppy will enhance their quality of life and ensure they can function well in diverse environments.

2. Understanding Your Maltipoo

Maltipoos inherit traits from both the Maltese and Poodle breeds. They are generally playful, easy-going, and thrive on human companionship.

Their small size makes them great apartment dwellers, but the flip side is that they can be prone to boredom and may act out if not properly stimulated.

Understanding these characteristics is the foundation of successful training:

  • Intelligence: Maltipoos are smart and can learn commands quickly.
  • Sociability: They are friendly and enjoy interaction with people and other animals.
  • Attention: They like to be the center of attention, which can be used to your advantage in training sessions.
  • Playfulness: Their playful nature means they also respond well to training when it’s incorporated into fun activities.

3. How to Train a Maltipoo – Basic Training Commands


  1. Start with a treat in your hand, and let your Maltipoo puppy sniff it.
  2. Slowly raise your hand above their head; they should follow the treat and naturally sit.
  3. As they sit, say the command “sit” and give them the treat.
  4. Repeat this process multiple times throughout the day.


  1. Command your Maltipoo to sit.
  2. Hold your palm towards their nose and say the word “stay.”
  3. Take a small step back and then immediately return to them with a treat.
  4. Gradually increase the distance and time before rewarding them.


  1. Command your Maltipoo to stay.
  2. Crouch down and call them with a cheerful voice.
  3. As they approach, slowly back away to encourage them to come to you.
  4. When they reach you, provide a treat.

Lie Down

  1. Command your Maltipoo to sit.
  2. Hold a treat close to the floor, directly in front of them.
  3. Slowly move the treat down to the ground as you say “lie down.”
  4. Once they are in a lying position, give them the treat and verbal praise.

4. House Training

Effective house training is pivotal for your Maltipoo’s cleanliness and your home’s sanitation.

Establish a Routine

Dogs, especially Maltipoos, thrive on predictability. Take your Maltipoo out first thing in the morning, after meals, and just before bedtime.

Always use the same door to go out, use the same area of your yard, and stand in the same spot. Repetition will help them understand that outside is the designated potty spot.

Crate Training

The crate can serve as a safe space and an effective tool for potty training. Your Maltipoo’s crate should be large enough for them to stand, turn around, and lay down comfortably.

Encourage them to enter willingly with treats and verbal praise. Remember, the crate is not a punishment, but a positive training aid.

Potty Training Tips

  • Supervise your Maltipoo closely when not in the crate. If you catch them in the act of eliminating indoors, interrupt them with a sharp noise and take them outside.
  • Use a consistent phrase, like “Go potty,” when they are eliminating so they associate the command with the action.
  • Always reward your Maltipoo with a treat and praise immediately after they eliminate outdoors.
Train a Maltipoo
Training a Maltipoo Puppy
Related post: 10 Tips for Successful Maltipoo House Training

5. Socialization

Early socialization is essential for Maltipoos. Expose them to a variety of people, places, sounds, and experiences to reduce the risk of fearfulness or aggression.

Different Environments and People

  • Take your Maltipoo for walks in bustling areas to acclimate them to different environments.
  • Invite friends and family over to meet and interact with your dog.
  • Enroll in puppy socialization classes to expose your Maltipoo to controlled new experiences.

Other Dogs and Pets

Introduce your Maltipoo to other dogs in a safe and controlled setting. Positive interactions will teach them proper social cues and behavior around other animals. [How to Train a Maltipoo]

6. Leash Training

Maltipoos, like most dogs, need to be taught how to walk calmly on a leash.

Walking on a Leash

  • Start with a short, loose leash and encourage them to walk beside you with a treat in hand.
  • If they start pulling, stop walking and wait until they return to your side before continuing.
  • Gradually increase the length of your walks and practice in different environments.

Common Leash Issues

  • If your Maltipoo pulls excessively, utilize a front-clip harness that discourages pulling.
  • To prevent leash aggression, address the behavior promptly with the guidance of a professional trainer.

7. Obedience Training

Advanced obedience training solidifies your Maltipoo’s understanding of commands and can be a mentally engaging activity.

Advanced Commands

Teach commands such as:

  • “Leave it”: To deter your Maltipoo from picking up or interacting with a specific item.
  • “Drop it”: Instructs them to release an item from their mouth.

Clicker Training and Positive Reinforcement

Clicker training is a form of positive reinforcement that pairs a clicking sound with a treat. It’s an effective method for Maltipoos as it provides clear and immediate feedback for desired behaviors.

  • Start with simple commands and use the clicker followed by a treat when they successfully complete the command.
  • As they progress, use the clicker to mark increasingly complex behaviors before rewarding them with a treat.

8. Addressing Behavior Issues

Maltipoos, like any dog, can exhibit unwanted behaviors that need to be addressed through training.


  • Determine the cause of the barking. Maltipoos might bark due to boredom, anxiety, or to get attention.
  • Train your Maltipoo puppies to bark on command and then be quiet. Use the command “quiet” and provide a treat as a reward for stopping barking.

Chewing and Digging

  • Provide plenty of toys and chew items to redirect their attention.
  • If the behavior persists, use bitter apple spray on items they shouldn’t chew to deter the behavior.

Separation Anxiety

  • Gradually acclimate your Maltipoo puppy to your absence by leaving for short periods at a time and slowly increasing the duration.
  • Create a consistent routine for departures and arrivals to reduce the stress associated with leaving your Maltipoo alone.
Related post: Maltipoo Barking Problems: Tips for a Quieter Home

9. Tricks and Agility Training

Engage your Maltipoo’s mind and body through trick training and basic agility exercises. This goes beyond obedience and gives them a creative outlet for their energy.

Fun Tricks

Teach your Maltipoo tricks such as:

  • “Spin”: Encourage them to spin in a circle with a treat.
  • “High-five”: Hold your hand up and say the command; when they touch your hand with their paw, reward them.

Basic Agility

Agility training enhances your Maltipoo’s physical coordination and self-confidence.

  • Start with ground-level obstacles, like tunnels and low jumps.
  • Use treats and praise to guide them through the course, introducing more complex elements as they improve.

10. Training Tools and Resources

To make your training efforts more effective, consider the following tools and resources.

Recommended Tools

  • Treat pouches for easy access during training sessions.
  • Interactive toys that dispense treats to keep them occupied and stimulated.
  • Comfortable harnesses or collars suitable for your Maltipoo’s size and breed.

Online Resources and Professional Help

Online dog training courses can be a great supplement to your in-person training. When in doubt or dealing with severe behavioral issues, don’t hesitate to seek the guidance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

11. Conclusion

Training your Maltipoo is an investment that will pay off in the form of a well-behaved and happy dog.

It requires patience and consistency but with the right approach, you can help your Maltipoo become the perfect companion.

Remember to make training a positive and bonding experience for both you and your pup. With the dedication and love you show, you’ll be rewarded with a lifelong relationship filled with mutual trust and understanding.

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